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Charity in Home Building Materials Industry

  • Categories:ShengDa
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  • Time of issue:2019-08-15 15:25
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(Summary description)Enterprise management,profit making is the first priority,only after the enterprise to a certain extent will there be a qualitative leap-from simple profit making to return to society,at present,there are few enterprises that can do so.However,the reporter found that in the home decoration building materials industry,many powerful enterprises have taken public welfare as an important part of business operation in their efforts to practice

Charity in Home Building Materials Industry

(Summary description)Enterprise management,profit making is the first priority,only after the enterprise to a certain extent will there be a qualitative leap-from simple profit making to return to society,at present,there are few enterprises that can do so.However,the reporter found that in the home decoration building materials industry,many powerful enterprises have taken public welfare as an important part of business operation in their efforts to practice

  • Categories:ShengDa
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  • Time of issue:2019-08-15 15:25
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Enterprise management,profit making is the first priority,only after the enterprise to a certain extent will there be a qualitative leap-from simple profit making to return to society,at present,there are few enterprises that can do so.However,the reporter found that in the home decoration building materials industry,many powerful enterprises have taken public welfare as an important part of business operation in their efforts to practice.
From the recent Jinyi Ceramic Brick and Pan-Top Home Building Material Alliance,a total of 29 home building materials enterprises jointly provide counterpart support to poor schools and Fujian Rehabilitation Education Center,to the Xiyingmen Charitable Foundation,which has continuously provided donations to all sectors of society for six years.In the words of Lin Qingtong,general manager of Jinyi Ceramic Brick,many home building materials enterprises are now.They are keen on public welfare and hope to help more people in need in society.
The industry is expanding the strength of feedback through joint ventures
In fact,charitable donations are not excluded by many enterprises,but especially for home building materials enterprises,the most common problem is that a single enterprise to do charity,not only can provide little assistance,and sometimes even have an impact on the business.Reporter in Yongtailing Road Center Hope Primary School,Yongtai Seventeen Zhongling Road Middle School interviews learned that with the rapid development of urbanization process,many rural residents moved into the city,the local rural school student drain is serious,the state subsidies are reduced accordingly,many teaching equipment has become old but unable to replace the school.Many students also come from poor families.Reporters from Fujian Rehabilitation Education Center also see that in order to meet the treatment of children aged 0-6 with cerebral palsy,autism,mental retardation and hearing impairment,many families have often reached the point where they can't make ends meet.All these similar situations urgently need the help of all sectors of society.For the household building materials industry which is accustomed to alliance operation,many entrepreneurs with a sense of social responsibility think of doing charity through alliance.Mr.Xie Zhenchang,Secretary-General of Fuzhou Pan-Top Home Union and General Manager of Golden Cabinet,said that for traditional home building materials enterprises,what they should do is to use it for the people and shoulder their social responsibility.Chen Jianshou,general manager of Fuzhou Centennial Zhengxing Building Material Co.,Ltd.,said that charitable donations can help employees to experience more"positive energy"in the corporate culture,which is very helpful to strengthen team cohesion.Philanthropy and management show a benign development trend.Reporters learned in interviews that many enterprises in the home building materials industry started to promote charity very early.Alliances are also actively looking for the perfect combination of enterprise management and charity.They hope that under the circumstances of sustained public welfare,the company's operation can also develop steadily and positively.。Reporters recently learned that Jinyi Ceramic Bricks joined hands with Pan-Top Home Alliance to do public welfare and launched a"love note"charity aid program for students.Not only did all 29 participating household building materials enterprises offer their love,but also they helped families in need to raise more charity funds by means of public welfare cards and product free photographs.
Lin Qingtong,general manager of Jinyi Ceramic Bricks,said charity is not a business,but a common contribution of the whole society.Consumers can get free concert tickets when they donate more than a certain amount of money through public cards,and they can also enjoy the top products provided by various enterprises through free shooting.In addition,donations from enterprises can help families in need to the greatest extent.Enterprises themselves can also promote sales.Consumers can also enjoy the additional surprises brought by charitable donations,forming a win-win situation for all three parties.

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