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Beixin Material: Trinity Layout of Directional Additional Distribution

  • Categories:ShengDa
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  • Time of issue:2019-08-15 15:24
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(Summary description)Reporters recently learned from the 2013 performance report issued by Beixin Material that in 2013,Beixin Material continued to maintain a rapid and healthy development momentum,and the business indicators reached a new high.The total profit was 1.440 billion yuan and the net profit was 1.258 billion yuan,of which the net profit attributed to the parent company was 906 million yuan,increasing by 37.29%,34.54%and 33.80%respectively

Beixin Material: Trinity Layout of Directional Additional Distribution

(Summary description)Reporters recently learned from the 2013 performance report issued by Beixin Material that in 2013,Beixin Material continued to maintain a rapid and healthy development momentum,and the business indicators reached a new high.The total profit was 1.440 billion yuan and the net profit was 1.258 billion yuan,of which the net profit attributed to the parent company was 906 million yuan,increasing by 37.29%,34.54%and 33.80%respectively

  • Categories:ShengDa
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  • Time of issue:2019-08-15 15:24
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Reporters recently learned from the 2013 performance report issued by Beixin Material that in 2013,Beixin Material continued to maintain a rapid and healthy development momentum,and the business indicators reached a new high.The total profit was 1.440 billion yuan and the net profit was 1.258 billion yuan,of which the net profit attributed to the parent company was 906 million yuan,increasing by 37.29%,34.54%and 33.80%respectively.
Operating performance has increased by about 20 times in the past ten years.
Through ten years of struggle,Beixinjian Material has made great strides in industrial scale,market development,technological innovation,brand building,business performance and other aspects,maintaining a sustained and steady performance growth of about 30%annually.
The total profit,net profit and net profit attributable to the parent company in 2013 were 21 times,19.3 times and 12.9 times as much as in 2003,respectively.The annual composite growth rates of 31.88%,30.88%and 26.16%were achieved respectively.Among them,the business scale of gypsum board has developed from 45 million square meters per year(ranked third in China)to 1.65 billion square meters per year,surpassing two old-brand foreign-funded top 500 enterprises in the world,and the business of gypsum board has leaped to the first place in the world.
According to the requirements of SASASAC,in recent years,new materials in Beixin have comprehensively carried out KPI management with EVA(Economic Value Added)as the core to further optimize and improve the quality of operation.The company's business model and business model have become more mature,and its growth and future development are full of imagination.In 2013,EVA reached 929 million yuan,an increase of 37.47%,EPS(earnings per share)1.574 yuan per share,an increase of 33.73%,net cash flow per share of operating activities 2.617 yuan per share,an increase of 32.78%,ROE(return on net assets)23.28%,an increase of 2.59 percentage points over the same period;OA(Return on Total Assets)12.58%,an increase of 215 percentage points over the same period of last year;EBIT(Pre-interest and Tax Surplus)1.603 billion yuan,an increase of 34.37%over the same period of last year;EBITDA(Pre-interest and Tax Depreciation and Amortization Surplus)1.905 billion yuan,an increase of 32.57%over the same period of last year;net cash flow of operating activities 1.505 billion yuan,an increase of 371 million over the same period of last year.The ratio of assets to liabilities was 48.70%,down by 3.93 percentage points over the same period of last year.This year,we will continue to pay cash dividends at a profit rate of about 30%,with cash dividends of 4.3 yuan per 10 shares.
New Materials,New Houses,New Opportunities
Beixin Material takes"Green Building Future"as its industrial concept,from green raw materials,green production to green products,from green transportation,green construction,green application to green recycling,and creates a green building industry chain of the whole life cycle,providing all kinds of construction and family customers with a ceiling system from gypsum board wall to mute pipe.A complete set of solutions for energy-saving and environmental protection new building materials of road system.According to the statistics of China Architectural Decoration Association,90%of the buildings that have won the National Architectural Engineering Award adopt the new energy-saving and environmental protection materials of the Longpai series of Beixin Materials.
Beixinjian Material is one of the first national innovative enterprises approved by the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Science and Technology.It has been developed and explored in the field of new housing business for 12 years.It is currently the largest new housing industry group in China.Beixin Materials has independently developed the third generation of"Dream"houses on the basis of global integration and innovation:no bricks and cement,anti-seismic magnitude 8 and 9 degrees fortification,wind-proof level 12,2-hour fire protection,75%energy-saving standard and 92%maximum rate of room acquisition,five-star hotel sound insulation standard,95 years of service life,2 months of completion(including fine decoration).It is a new type of house with green,low-carbon,beautiful and nostalgic features.At present,the company has completed the first five-star green low-carbon hotel in China,Lotus Hotel,Xiangsha Bay,Ordos.The resort villas in Jinan Yinquan Town and the Green Town in Beijing Miyunshi Town have also been put into use.At present,the company is building the largest and the world's first new building style of"Chinese vernacular dwelling",as well as implementing a new urbanization and new rural construction demonstration project featuring"green,low-carbon,beautiful and nostalgic"in Guang'an,Sichuan Province,6 districts and 3 parks.
At present,"ecological civilization,beautiful China"has become a consensus from the central to the local,from the city to the countryside.At the policy level,a series of important progress,such as the Central Conference on New Urbanization,the Central Working Conference on Rural Areas and the formal approval of the National New Urbanization Plan by the Central Committee,have also brought tremendous development space for the new materials in Beixin.Beixin Material has determined the transformation and upgrading direction of the trinity of"new building materials,new houses and new urbanization".It is planned to design and build about 100"Beixin green towns"and 10"Beixin green ecological cities"in the whole country in about five years,and vigorously promote the use of bricks and water in the process of new urbanization.Mud,new houses with a life span of 100 years,integrating industrial chain resources to build a new urbanized aircraft carrier battle group including planning and design,material production,housing factories,industrial investment,development investment,etc.,are committed to becoming the world's leading supplier of green low-carbon new urbanization solutions.
Directional increase of 2.1 billion yuan to boost the construction of new-type urbanization

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