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Xi'an Suihua Electronic Phase 2 Project

  • Categories:RongZhen
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  • Time of issue:2019-08-15 15:35
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(Summary description)Xi'an Suihua Electronic Phase 2 Project

Xi'an Suihua Electronic Phase 2 Project

(Summary description)Xi'an Suihua Electronic Phase 2 Project

  • Categories:RongZhen
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2019-08-15 15:35
  • Views:

Engineering name

Xi'an Suihua Electronic Phase 2 Project

Contracting party

Xi'an residence

Contract amount

31 million yuan

During construction

2017/8 ∼ 2017/8 

Construction contents

General Contracting for Construction

Construction area


Construction type

Chemical plant

Clean room construction: yes or no




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